It‘s okay to ask for help;
seeking support is a sign
of strength.
To cultivate a compassionate community dedicated to mental wellness. My Therapist Said, LLC strives to provide a diverse range of products that empower individuals on their journey to emotional well-being, fostering a supportive environment where everyone can discover resources and connections for a healthier mind.
About Our Founder
Dr. Teresa L. Jackson is a clinical psychologist practicing in Dallas, Texas. She started this company as a means to destigmatize mental illness and promote mental wellness. She hopes the products purchased from her invite conversations and help people connect with others experiencing similar challenges. She desires to humanize our experiences and for people to feel empowered to seek support when needed.
A Message From
Dr. T. Jackson
One of my favorite quotes by Yolo Akili, “There is nothing wrong with me–I have patterns to unlearn, new behaviors to embody, and wounds to heal…but there is nothing wrong with the core of me and who I am…” Too often we only experience our brokenness and see ourselves beyond repair, but the truth is there is nothing wrong with the core of who we are– we can undo the generations of harm and ultimately heal, with the right support and tools. I welcome the opportunity to partner with you on your journey of healing.